Women's College Jharsuguda

The staff of Women’s College, Jharsuguda, plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the institution and the academic development of students. Their duties and responsibilities include:

  1. Teaching Faculty: Responsible for preparing and delivering lectures, conducting practical sessions, evaluating student performance, and providing academic guidance and mentorship to students. DUTIES

  2. Non-Teaching Staff: Includes administrative staff handling student admissions, record-keeping, and managing day-to-day office tasks. They also support the smooth execution of college events and functions. NON TEACHING STAFF DUTIES

  3. Library Staff: Manages the college library, ensures availability of academic resources, helps students in research, and maintains the library system.

  4. Support Staff: Assists in maintaining cleanliness and infrastructure, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment for students and faculty.

  5. Principal and Administrative Heads: Oversee the academic and administrative functions of the college, ensure implementation of policies, maintain discipline, and engage in strategic planning for institutional growth.

The staff collectively works towards creating a supportive, productive, and inclusive educational environment for the students.

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